Как переводится на русский язык латинское выражение opus operatum
Обновлено: 21.03.2025
Opus operātum — (lat., »gewirktes Werk«), scholastischer Ausdruck, schon feil dem 12. Jahrh. auf die Lehre von den Sakramenten angewendet, sofern deren Wirkung lediglich von der vollzogenen Handlung, ohne Berücksichtigung der handelnden Personen (daher Gegensatz … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
opus operatum — noun Literally the work wrought , a Latin phrase used to denote the spiritual effect in the performance of a religious rite which accrues from the virtue inherent in it, or by grace imparted to it, irrespectively of the administrator … Wiktionary
OPUS OPERATUM — (i. e. the work wrought), a Latin phrase used to denote the spiritual effect in the performance of a religious rite which accrues from the virtue inherent in it, or by grace imparted to it, irrespectively of the administrator … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Opus operatum — см. Ex opère operato … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
opus operatum — … Useful english dictionary
opus — (izg. ȍpus) m DEFINICIJA 1. sva djela nekog umjetnika ili znanstvenika gledana kao cjelina [Krležin opus] 2. glazb. naziv kojim kompozitori obilježavaju djela redom, kako su nastajala SINTAGMA opus citatum (izg. opus citátum) navedeno djelo, usp … Hrvatski jezični portal
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