Как переводится фраза he dug me in the ribs

Обновлено: 23.03.2025

Throughout the play he kept digging me in the ribs whenever anyone said anything remotely funny — На протяжении всего спектакля он толкал меня в бок всякий раз, когда кто-нибудь из актеров отпускал что-то похожее на шутку

2 dig in the ribs

1) Общая лексика: толкнуть (кого-л.) в бок, ткнуть в бок 2) Макаров: ткнуть (кого-л.) в ребра, толкнуть ( кого-л.) в бок

3 dig someone in the ribs

толкнуть кого-л. в бок

См. также в других словарях:

dig someone in the ribs — phrase to push someone with your elbow because you want to get their attention Thesaurus: to use a particular gesture to communicate somethinghyponym Main entry: dig … Useful english dictionary

dig somebody in the ribs — dig sb in the ˈribs idiom to push your finger or your elbow into sb s side, especially to attract their attention Main entry: ↑digidiom … Useful english dictionary

dig someone in the ribs — to push someone with your elbow because you want to get their attention … English dictionary

dig — >I.> noun 1 (esp. BrE) small push ADJECTIVE ▪ sharp VERB + DIG ▪ give ▪ She gave him a sharp dig in the ribs. ▪ feel … Collocations dictionary

dig — 1. verb 1) she began to dig the heavy clay soil Syn: turn over, work, break up; till, harrow, plow, shovel 2) he took a spade and dug a hole Syn: excavate, dig out, quarry, hollow out … Thesaurus of popular words

dig — 1. verb 1) she began to dig the soil Syn: turn over, work, break up 2) he dug a hole Syn: excavate, dig out, quarry, hollow out, scoop out, bore, burrow, mine … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

dig — I [[t]dɪg[/t]] v. dug, dig•ging, 1) to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc., as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw; make an excavation 2) to make one s way or work by or as if by removing or turning over material: to dig through … From formal English to slang

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