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Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Domain seller

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Meet the owner of

Domain seller

Domain seller

Member since 2020-03-26

We are a partnership that does significant pioneering development and research in Internet and connected technologies. In addition, and we have a number of domain names that we have in use in commerce and other use decentralized from Internet use. In many cases, our use of the listed names might be possible to move, so we are pragmatic and open to reviewing proposals. If you see a name we are using, propose an offer in the amount of your budget and we’ll review the opportunity of sale. IMPORTANT: By submitting an offer on domains listed by this seller, you confirm that neither you, nor the organization on whose behalf you are acting (if applicable), claims a legal right to the domain(s). You confirm that your use of this Brokerage Service constitutes an express waiver of any applicable intellectual property rights to the domain name and you acknowledge that the domain name registrant is relying on this waiver when electing to receive your offer and to engage in dialog regarding the potential purchase and/or sale of the domain name

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