Фразы зари из овервотч

Обновлено: 21.03.2025

Cyrillic: Огонь по готовности!
English: Fire when ready!

Non-language [ ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Melee (shouts) Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Death (dying sounds) Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Death (big impact) (screams) Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Falling off a Cliff (prolonged screaming) Link ▶️
Link ▶️
Link ▶️

Chatter [ ]

Bez truda ne vytashchish' i rybku iz pruda.

Cyrillic: Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
English: Without effort, you can not even get a fish out of the pond.

Vek živi, vek učis'.

Cyrillic: Век живи, век учись.
English: (literally) Live for a century, learn for a century.
(Equivalent to the English phrase "You're never too old to learn," or just "Live and learn.")

Call-Outs [ ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change Zarya, ready for duty. Link ▶️
Zarya, reporting for duty.
Sniper Sighted Sniper, be wary. Link ▶️
Enemy Sighted Enemy contact. Link ▶️
Turret Sighted Enemy turret ahead. Link ▶️
Enemy Has a Teleporter Find the teleporter.
They must have a teleporter. Link ▶️
Teleporter Sighted Teleporter located. Link ▶️
Ally Damaged Watch your back.
Time Running Out (Attack) We’re out of time, attack. Link ▶️
We’re out of time, give it everything you’ve got. Link ▶️
This is it, push forward! Link ▶️
Push forward! Link ▶️
Time Running Out (Defense) They are running out of time, we must hold them back. Link ▶️
They must not get past. Link ▶️
Just a little longer, turn them back. Link ▶️
Turn them back! Link ▶️

Mission-Specific [ ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capturing Objective (Attacking) I am taking the objective, reinforce this position. Link ▶️
I claim this objective, stand with me. Link ▶️
Everyone, on the objective. Link ▶️
Capturing Objective (Defending) They’re taking the objective, concentrate our defenses. Link ▶️
Get on the objective, we cannot let it fall into their hands. Link ▶️
Push them back. Link ▶️
Payload Moving (Attacking) Escorting the payload. Link ▶️
I am moving the payload, fall in with me. Link ▶️
Let’s keep this moving. Link ▶️
Payload Moving (Defending) Let us stop the payload together. Link ▶️
The payload is moving, halt their progress. Link ▶️
They are moving the payload, stop them! Link ▶️
Payload Stuck The payload stopped, get it moving. Link ▶️
We need to get the payload moving. Link ▶️
Primary objective, move the payload Link ▶️

Eliminations [ ]

Communication [ ]

Cyrillic: Привет.
English: Hi.

Cyrillic: Физкульт привет.
English: Phys-cult hi. ("Phys-cult" is short for PHYSical CULTure, a common greeting amongst Russian athletes)

Cyrillic: Спасибо.
English: Thank you.

Cyrillic: Так точно.
English: Acknowledged.

Voice Lines [ ]

Cyrillic: Вместе мы сила
English: Together we are strong.

Cyrillic: С Новым Годом!
English: Happy New Year!

Vot gde sobáka zarýta.

Cyrillic: Вот где соба́ка зары́та.
English: Where the dog is buried.

Interactions [ ]

  • Zarya: How do I trust a man who is half machine?
  • Genji: The heart of a man still beats inside of me.
  • Genji: How can I convince you that I am still a man?
  • Zarya: I know what you are. I'm only sorry that you do not.
  • Mei: Zarya? I don't understand how you can fight in the cold wearing so little.
  • Zarya: I'll tell you my secret if you give me your coat.
  • Mei: Zarya? How can you even pick up all that weight?
  • Zarya: I lift as well as I lift because it cannot be avoided.
  • Orisa: Zarya, I have learned to utilize my graviton charge by watching you.
  • Zarya: Your compliment is unwanted.
  • Sombra: Your friend, Katya Volskaya. What will you say when you learn the truth?
  • Zarya: She's a hero to all Russians. I do not care what you have to say.
  • Sombra: Katya Volskaya and Aleksandra Zaryanova. Traitors to your own country. You deserve each other.
  • Zarya: I do what I must, for my people.
  • Zarya: Reinhardt. You said you would arm wrestle me. Nervous?
  • Reinhardt: Nervous? Me? Never!
  • Reinhardt: Keep training, and maybe someday you can learn to handle a real weapon!
  • Zarya: I think I've got this, old man.
  • Zarya: That hammer doesn't look so heavy.
  • Zarya: The suffering of my people rests heavily upon your shoulders, Torbjörn.
  • Torbjörn: *sigh* Believe me, I don't need reminding.
  • Zarya: Winston, your gun is so cute. You should try playing with some real firepower.
  • Winston: I like to leave the heavy lifting to the professionals.
  • Zarya: I have my eye on you, omnic.
  • Zenyatta: And I will watch your back in turn.

Skin-Specific [ ]

Skin Quote Audio
Weightlifter/Champion (Final blow) An inferior contender.
(Final blow) Heh, you could've been a contender.
Totally 80's (Personal Barrier) Hit me with your best shot!
Cyberian (Hero Swap) Zarya, online.

Map-Specific [ ]

Obletev Zemlyu v korable-sputnike, ya uvidel, kak prekrasna nasha planeta. Lyudi, budem khranit' i preumnozhat' etu krasotu, a ne razrushat' yeyo!

Cyrillic: Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. Люди, будем хранить и преумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!
English: Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it!

V gostjax xorosho, a doma luchshe.

Cyrillic: В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
English: Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. (subtitled as (Russian) No place like home.

Byt' možet, u čeloveka sto čuvstv i so smert'ju pogibajut tol'ko pjat', izvestnyx nam, a ostal'nye devjanosto pjat' ostajutsja živy.

Cyrillic: Быть может, у человека сто чувств и со смертью погибают только пять, известных нам, а остальные девяносто пять остаются живы.
English: Perhaps a man has a hundred senses, and when he dies only the five known to us are destroyed and the remaining ninety-five are left alive. Source

  • Zarya: Russia has no need for Overwatch assistance.
  • Winston: Overwatch made mistakes in the past, I hope we can fix them.

Datamined [ ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.

Moy praded govorit': "Ya imeju želanie kupit', no ne imeju vozmožnosti. Ya imeju vozmožnost' kupit' kozu, no ne imeju želaniya. Tak davayte že bypbem za to, čtoby nashi žepaniya sovpadali s nashimi vozmožnostyami"!

Cyrillic: Мой прадед говорил: "Я имею желание купить дом, но не имею возможности. Я имею возможность купить козу, но не имею желания. Так давайте же выпьем за то, чтобы наши желания совпадали с нашими возможностями"!
English: My grand-grandfather used to say: I wish to buy a house, but I cannot. I can buy a goat, but I don't want to. So let's drink to our desires matching our abilities!

(Quote from Soviet comedy film “Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика” (lit. “A captive girl from Caucasus; or, The new adventures of Shurik”, dubbed “Kidnapping, Caucasian Style”) that is well-known and loved by many Russian speakers.)

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