Фразы ваттсон apex legends
Обновлено: 22.03.2025
Wattson is a Legend introduced in Season 2 that is locked from the base game. She can be unlocked by using digital currency; either 12,000 or 750, or by buying the Champion Edition.
Wattson is an electricity-based Defensive Legend. Her tactical ability Perimeter Security places fence poles with connecting beams of electricity that damage and stun enemies that pass through the beams. Her passive ability Spark of Genius causes her shields to slowly regenerate over time and causes an Ultimate Accelerant to fully recharge her ultimate ability. Her ultimate ability Interception Pylon destroys all grenades, missiles, and other throwables when they get near, and will also recharge all players' shields within a certain radius.
Abilities [ ]
Perimeter Security [ ]
Tactical | Q / / / |
Perimeter Security | |
Description | Create electrified fences by connecting nodes. Fences damage and slow enemies. |
Cooldown | 30 seconds |
- You can hold up to four charges of this ability, and gain one charge every 30 seconds.
- Up to 12 nodes can be active on the map at once; you're able to pick up unused nodes to regain a charge.
- Deploying a new node at the max amount will destroy the oldest node.
- Placing wide fences across narrow doorways.
- Placing fences at the top of a ledge an enemy might climb.
- Placing nodes behind railings, planter boxes, or other existing cover on the map.
- Placing fences at the end of a zipline, especially a vertical one.
Spark of Genius [ ]
Passive Spark of Genius Description Ultimate Accelerant s fully charge Wattson's ultimate and she can carry more Ultimate Accelerants. Wattson slowly restores her shields over time. - Wattson recharges 1 shield per 2 seconds, after avoiding damage for 6 seconds.
- This also stacks with Interception Pylon ’s recharge rate.
Interception Pylon [ ]
Ultimate Z / + / + / + Interception Pylon Description Place an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordnance and repairs damaged shields. Standing near Pylons boosts Wattson's tactical recharge rate. (Max: 3) Charge time 3 minutes - The pylon will also destroy outgoing ordnance if it will land in its radius.
- Deploying a new interception pylon while already having the maximum amount deployed will automatically destroy the oldest pylon.
- Recharges around 2 shields per second (does not apply when using Revenant’s Death Totem ).
- The Pylon lasts for 90 seconds, seen as a countdown around the base or by hovering over the placed Pylon's ping.
- The Pylon has 150 health.
- The Pylon is neutral and therefore can recharge enemy shields and shoot down your squad's ordnance. The shield recharge effect doesn't stack if there are other Pylons nearby.
- The Pylon won't protect you from any ordnance or airstrike if it hasn't got clear sight or if the ordnance has already landed.
- The Pylon can be destroyed by shooting it. It can also block doors and is climbable.
- Perimeter Security charges have 3-second cooldowns instead of 30 when near an Interception Pylon, made by either you or another Wattson.
- Grenades such as Frag Grenade s, Thermite Grenade s, and Arc Star s.
- Tacticals such as Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher , Caustic’s Nox Gas Trap s (while midair), Revenant’s Silence , Horizon's Gravity Lift , Fuse’s Knuckle Cluster , and Valkyrie's Missile Swarm .
- Ultimates such as Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder (only the airstrike), Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment , Caustic’s Nox Gas Grenade , Horizon's Black Hole , and Fuse’s The Motherlode .
Natalie Paquette is a familiar face in the Apex Games, though for a different reason than most. Daughter of the Games’ lead electrical engineer Luc Paquette, she studied his manuals to stay close to him and discovered her calling at a young age. Though she could be completely distracted one moment and hyper-focused the next, electricity grounded her – its ordered, predictable flow made sense in a way the rest of the world didn’t.
She devoured every book she could on the subject, and eventually became such a skilled engineer that she was commissioned by the Syndicate to build the Apex Games’ Modified Containment Ring. Unfortunately, her father died the day it was revealed, leaving her alone. At her lowest moment, a group of competitors invited her to return to the arena with them, assuring her she would always have a home. She now fights alongside her friends in the arena she helped build, destroying incoming missiles, recharging shields, creating fences, and using her pylon to silence fights that get too loud. Nobody knows the arena better than Wattson – anyone who underestimates her is in for a shock.
Cosmetic Items [ ]
Skins [ ]
There are a total of 63 Legend skins for Wattson: 17 Legendary , 8 Epic , 22 Rare and 16 Common .
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