Фразы ваттсон apex legends

Обновлено: 22.03.2025

Wattson is a Legend introduced in Season 2 that is locked from the base game. She can be unlocked by using digital currency; either 12,000 or 750, or by buying the Champion Edition.

Wattson is an electricity-based Defensive Legend. Her tactical ability Perimeter Security places fence poles with connecting beams of electricity that damage and stun enemies that pass through the beams. Her passive ability Spark of Genius causes her shields to slowly regenerate over time and causes an Ultimate Accelerant to fully recharge her ultimate ability. Her ultimate ability Interception Pylon destroys all grenades, missiles, and other throwables when they get near, and will also recharge all players' shields within a certain radius.


Abilities [ ]

Perimeter Security [ ]

Tactical Q / / /
Perimeter Security
Description Create electrified fences by connecting nodes. Fences damage and slow enemies.
Cooldown 30 seconds