Фразы свена дота 2
Обновлено: 25.03.2025
God's Strength
On cast
Leveling up
- Link▶️ I grow by degrees.
- Link▶️ My strength increases.
- Link▶️ The reward of discipline.
- Link▶️ Nn huh huh huh ha ha!
- Link▶️ Yes!
- Link▶️ Yes!
Killing an enemy
- Link▶️ You should not have crossed me.
- Link▶️ Rogue Knight claims another.
- Link▶️ Death comes to all.
- Link▶️ You died nobly.
- Link▶️ You deserved it.
- Link▶️ Fallen foe.
- Link▶️ You died well enough.
- Link▶️ You honor my blade.
- Link▶️ An honorable death.
- Link▶️ A decent death.
- Link▶️ You died well.
- Link▶️ You died well enough.
- Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha!
- Link▶️ He he heh!
- Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha!
- Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- Link▶️ Heh heh heh heh.
- Link▶️ He ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- Link▶️ Ahh ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!
Killing a specific enemy
25% chance
First Blood
- Link▶️ Ha ha ha! First blood is a knight's great honor.
Meeting an ally
During earlygame, within 1000 radius
Last hitting
60 seconds cooldown
Requires visible enemy player within 1000 radius, 60 seconds cooldown
Acquiring an item
- Link▶️ This was always meant for me.
- Link▶️ I will put you to good use.
- Link▶️ The best use for hard-won gold.
- Link▶️ Why should I have to pay for what is mine?
- Link▶️ This will do. Barely.
Acquiring a specific item
- Link▶️ Here again?
- Link▶️ Hm…now what did we learn from this.
- Link▶️ I shall find another way.
- Link▶️ I have gathered my strength.
- Link▶️ By my lights, I can do better!
- Link▶️ Back for more.
- Link▶️ Again.
- Link▶️ Once again.
- Link▶️ This calls for patience.
- Link▶️ I am not yet beaten.
- Link▶️ It was but a scratch.
- Link▶️ Twas only a flesh wound.
- Link▶️ Finally, I'm up!
- Link▶️ About time.
- Link▶️ I swore I would not die unavenged!
- Link▶️ Ha ha - I'm still here!
- Link▶️ Ha ha - I'm still here!
Bottling Runes
- Link▶️ I'll save this for later.
- Link▶️ Better I hold onto this.
- Link▶️ This must be mine.
Activating runes
Arcane Rune
Bounty Rune
Double Damage Rune
- Link▶️ One Knight, twice the damage.
Haste Rune
Illusion Rune
- Link▶️ There is only one Rogue Knight.
Invisibility Rune
- Link▶️ I will be the last thing you never see.
Regeneration Rune
Ability on cooldown
First attempt within 10 seconds
Second attempt within 10 seconds
Third and more attempts within 10 seconds
- Link▶️ I'm going to count to one. One.
Not enough mana
First attempt within 10 seconds
Second attempt within 10 seconds
Third and more attempts within 10 seconds
Taking damage
5 consecutive clicks on the hero
- Link▶️ May my enemies share the fate of the Shattered Helm.
- Link▶️ Bitter the orphan's journey—and lonely the orphan's grave.
- Link▶️ I owe nothing to codex or covenant.
- Link▶️ From a lowly birth in the Shadeshore ruins, who could ever guess I would fight among Heroes?
- Link▶️ I will crush my foe as I crushed the Vigil Knights.
- Link▶️ One man…in a world of foes…
- Link▶️ My honor compels me…to gloat.
- Link▶️ Knight to rook five. Check.
- Link▶️ It's Rogue Knight, dammit! It's not rouge knight.
- Link▶️ It's Rogue Knight, it's not rouge knight. Dammit!
Chat responses
Lane missing
thx, thanks, ty, or ally casts certain spell on player, 30 seconds cooldown
- Link▶️ You are a true friend.
- Link▶️ A rogue's thanks be with you.
/laugh, haha, lol, 15 seconds cooldown
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