Фразы гирокоптера дота 2
Обновлено: 16.03.2025
Call Down
On cast
Killing enemy
50% chance
- Link▶️u Ha! Frozen like a deer on the road!
- Link▶️ What happened? Your legs not working?
- Link▶️ Well that'll teach you to hold still!
No enemies hit
Leveling up
- Link▶️ Think I caught an updraft!
- Link▶️ Smooth sailing!
- Link▶️ Flying the friendly skies.
- Link▶️ And they call me old timer.
- Link▶️ I ain't old yet!
- Link▶️ Hey! I fixed that knocking sound!
- Link▶️ I think I can raise my altitude now!
- Link▶️ The sky's the limit! I think…
- Link▶️ Up and away!
- Link▶️ This bucket of bolts still has a few surprises in her!
- Link▶️ Caught my second wind!
- Link▶️ Ah, I wonder if this thing can do a barrel roll.
- Link▶️ He he he he he he he he he he he he he he!
Killing an enemy
- Link▶️ Got 'em!
- Link▶️ Stay out of my skies!
- Link▶️ I belong in the sky, and you belong in the ground.
- Link▶️ I am dangerous!
- Link▶️ And stay down.
- Link▶️ Enjoy your nap!
- Link▶️ Pfft. Kids.
- Link▶️ Ratatatatatatat!
- Link▶️ Ha! Let's do that again!
- Link▶️ Throttle back, hotshot.
- Link▶️ That worked? That worked!
- Link▶️ Force me into retirement will they?
- Link▶️ Ha ha haaaah!
- Link▶️ Ha-ha haaah!
- Link▶️ You remind me of someone.
- Link▶️ That'll learn ya!
- Link▶️ You remind me of my old boss. Rot in hell!
- Link▶️ He he he he! I still got it!
- Link▶️ He he he!
- Link▶️ He he he he!
- Link▶️ Ah he he he!
- Link▶️ Ah ha!
- Link▶️ Wah ha!
- Link▶️ Ha!
- Link▶️ Ho!
- Link▶️ Ha ha!
- Link▶️ Ho ho ho!
- Link▶️ Eh he he he he he he he!
Killing a specific enemy
20% chance
First Blood
- Link▶️ First blood! Now that's how it's done, kids! He he he he he!
Meeting an ally
During earlygame, within 1000 radius
Last hitting
60 seconds cooldown
- Link▶️ Flying ain't cheap!
- Link▶️ Kill confirmed.
- Link▶️ Kill confirmed.
- Link▶️ Hot damn!
- Link▶️ They're like ants from up here.
- Link▶️ Youngin'.
- Link▶️ C'mon, I barely breezed you.
- Link▶️ That wasn't even the good ammo!
- Link▶️ There's my pension.
- Link▶️ Boola-boola!
Requires visible enemy player within 1000 radius, 60 seconds cooldown
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