Фразы героев дота 2 на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

On cast

Killing enemy
10% chance

  • Link▶️ Huh huh huh, fresh meat!
  • Link▶️ Fresh meat!
  • Link▶️ He he he he. Fresh meat.

Leveling up

  • Link▶️ I'm growing!
  • Link▶️ More power, yes!
  • Link▶️ Oh, yeah!
  • Link▶️ More like that!
  • Link▶️ I'm gonna need bigger pants.
  • Link▶️ I need a new pair of pants!
  • Link▶️ Just popped the last of me buttons.
  • Link▶️ Ho, my blades are nice and sharp now.
  • Link▶️ Time for a choppin block party!
  • Link▶️ My choppers are lookin sharp!
  • Link▶️ Have you seen my right hook?
  • Link▶️ Um num num num.
  • Link▶️ Hm hm hm hm hm.

Killing an enemy

  • Link▶️ Oh, I love a good slaughter.
  • Link▶️ Aw, slice o' life!
  • Link▶️ You cut quite a figure!
  • Link▶️ Serves you right.
  • Link▶️ I'll flay you now.
  • Link▶️ Nice bit o' creep filet.
  • Link▶️ You'll look good with an apple in yer mouth!
  • Link▶️ Bit of a hack-job, that.
  • Link▶️ I just cut yer losses.
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha I'm just ribbin' ya!
  • Link▶️ Look, a spare rib!
  • Link▶️ He he he he heh.
  • Link▶️ Ha ha!
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ Hm hm hm hm ha ha ha.
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Killing a specific enemy
20% chance

First Blood

  • Link▶️ First Blood! Have I got juice on me chins?

Last hitting

60 seconds cooldown

13th last hit


Requires visible enemy player within 1000 radius, 60 seconds cooldown

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