Дополните фразы словами данными в рамке некоторые слова необходимо использовать несколько раз a few

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1.There's a film on tonight . i really want to see.
2.Do you know any restaurants. they serve vegetarian dishes?
3.Can you remember. told you about the new nightclub?
4.The film. stars Tom Hanks,is based on a book by Dan Brown.
5I've never met anyone before . mother was famous!
6.Lornezo. is from Spain originally,has lived here for about ten years.
7Carla. parents are from Mexico, was born in the UK.
8.Here's a photo of hotel . we stayed.

Обведите одно лишнее слово в каждом предложении.

1 The boy who he sits next to me in class is called Vladimir.
2. This book, which i started reading it last week, is realy funny.
3 Jean,whose her mother is nurse, wants to be funny.
4 My mum and dad, who they got married fifteen years ago, met over thirty years ago.
5. The jeans which i was telling you about them are over there.

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