Рамакришна цитаты и афоризмы
Обновлено: 26.03.2025
Рамакришна Парамахамса — индийский гуру, реформатор индуизма, мистик, проповедник.
„After realizing God, one does not identify oneself any more with the body. Then one knows that body and soul are two different things.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 319
Контексте: The body was born and it will die. But for the soul there is no death. It is like the betel-nut. When the nut is ripe it does not stick to the shell. But when it is green it is difficult to separate it from the shell. After realizing God, one does not identify oneself any more with the body. Then one knows that body and soul are two different things.
Цитаты Рамакришна
„Lovers of God do not belong to any caste. … A brāhmin without this love is no longer a brāhmin. And a pariah with the love of God is no longer a pariah. Through bhakti an untouchable becomes pure and elevated.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 155
„Это факт, что пока ум неустойчив, йога невозможна, каким бы путём ты не шёл. Ум йогина полностью находится под его контролем. Не ум помыкает йогом, йог управляет умом.“
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Я говорю правду: нет ничего плохого для вас в том, чтобы жить в этом мире. Но вы должны направлять свой ум к Богу, иначе вы не добьетесь успеха. Одной рукой выполняйте свои обязанности, а другой – держитесь за Бога. После того, как вы исполните все свои обязанности, вы будете держаться за Бога обеими руками. Рамакришна
Пока не станешь простым, как ребёнок, не сможешь достичь Божественного просветления. Отбрось тщеславие обретенного тобой мирского знания и знай, что оно бесполезно в обители высшей Истины. Будь прост, как дитя, и лишь тогда ты достигнешь знания Истины. Рамакришна
Бессмысленны споры людей, какая форма и какое имя Бога истинны, как бессмысленны споры слепых о том, что такое слон, если первый трогал хобот, второй — ухо, третий — ноги, а четвёртый — живот. Рамакришна
Когда воду вливают в кувшин, то слышен журчащий звук, но когда кувшин полон, звук прекращается. Пока человек не нашел Бога, он исполнен шума бесполезных споров, но как только он найдет Его, всякая суета прекращается и он молчаливо наслаждается Божественным блаженством. Рамакришна
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„None of you has seen the elephant.“
Saying 6; this is a variant of widely used teaching anecdotes of India involving blind men and an elephant.
Râmakrishna : His Life and Sayings (1898)
Контексте: Four blind men went to see an elephant. One touched the leg of the elephant, and said, "The elephant is like a pillar." The second touched the trunk, and said, "The elephant is like a thick stick or club." The third touched the belly, and said, "The elephant is like a big jar." The fourth touched the ears, and said, "The elephant is like a winnowing basket." Thus they began to dispute amongst themselves as to the figure of the elephant. A passer-by seeing them thus quarrelling, said, "What is it that you are disputing about?" They told him everything, and asked him to arbitrate. That man said, "None of you has seen the elephant. The elephant is not like a pillar, its legs are like pillars. It is not like a big water-vessel, its belly is like a water-vessel. It is not like a winnowing basket, its ears are like winnowing baskets. It is not like a thick stick or club, but its proboscis is like that. The elephant is the combination of all these." In the same manner those quarrel who have seen one aspect only of the Deity. Different creeds are but different paths to reach the Almighty.
„Man cannot really help the world. God alone does that“
„The mind of a yogi is under his control; he is not under the control of his mind.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 248
Контексте: It is not good for ordinary people to say, "I am He." The waves belong to the water. Does the water belong to the waves?
The upshot of the whole thing is that, no matter what path you follow, yoga is impossible unless the mind becomes quiet. The mind of a yogi is under his control; he is not under the control of his mind.
„All will surely realize God. All will be liberated.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 818
Контексте: All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self.
„Water and a bubble on it are one and the same. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and is ultimately resolved into it.“
Источник: Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna (1960), p. 22
Контексте: Water and a bubble on it are one and the same. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and is ultimately resolved into it. So also the Jivatman (individual soul) and the Paramatman (supreme soul) are one and the same, the difference between them being only one of degree. For, one is finite and limited while the other is infinite; one is dependent while the other is independent.
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Жизнь Рамакришны Парамахамсы (1836-1886) - это уникальный в истории человечества опыт: достижение высших духовных состояний поочередным прохождением практик основных мировых религий. Познав, что в каждой религии проявлена Единая Великая Истина и высшая цель их одна, он приветствовал все религии. Его опыт выявил живую истину.
Эта книга содержит свидетельства самого Рамакришны о его духовных переживаниях, начиная с детства и вплоть до оставления им тела. Здесь также приводятся описания его духовной садханы, паломничеств, отношений с некоторыми замечательными людьми и многое другое.
„When an unbaked pot is broken, the potter can use the mud to make a new one; but when a baked one is broken, he cannot do the same any longer. So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.“
Источник: Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna (1960), p. 46
„Только в самадхи достигаешь Абсолютного знания.“
„Человек не чувствует томления по Богу, пока вся отведенная ему работа не будет сделана, и желания удовольствий полностью не исчерпаются.“
„Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal, and you will also have bliss.“
As quoted in Hindu Psychology : Its Meaning for the West (1946) by Swami Akhilananda, p. 204
Variant translation: Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal, and you also will have bliss. Bliss indeed is eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less your attachment is to the senses, the more will be your love to God.
Saying 806, in Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna (1948) edited by Swami Vireswarananda
Контексте: Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal, and you will also have bliss. The Bliss indeed is eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less your attachment is towards the senses, the more will be your love towards God.
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„The Master said: "Everything that exists is God." The pupil understood it literally, but not in the true spirit.“
Saying 15
Râmakrishna : His Life and Sayings (1898)
Контексте: The Master said: "Everything that exists is God." The pupil understood it literally, but not in the true spirit. While he was passing through a street, he met with an elephant. The driver (mahut) shouted aloud from his high place, "Move away, move away!" The pupil argued in his mind, "Why should I move away? I am God, so is the elephant also God. What fear has God of Himself?" Thinking thus he did not move. At last the elephant took him up by his trunk, and dashed him aside. He was severely hurt, and going back to his Master, he related the whole adventure. The Master said, "All right, you are God. The elephant is God also, but God in the shape of the elephant-driver was warning you also from above. Why did you not pay heed to his warnings?"
„Когда взбираешься на самую крышу, опасно раскачиваться на ступеньках. Если плохо стоишь на ногах, то можешь и упасть. Нужно иметь крепкую опору, чтобы не сорваться. Но для тех, кто достиг духовного совершенства, всё по другому. Не существует опасности после видения Бхагавана. Человек становится бесстрашным.“
„The inferior devotee says, "God is out there."“
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Рамакри́шна Парамаха́мса — индийский гуру, реформатор индуизма, мистик, проповедник.
Фото: Author Abinash Chandra Dna. In Wikimedia original uploader was Sray at en.wikipedia, Own work / Public domain„Everyone is going toward God. They will all realize Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 423
Контексте: Truth is one; only It is called by different names. All people are seeking the same Truth; the variance is due to climate, temperament, and name. A lake has many ghats. From one ghat the Hindus take water in jars and call it "jal". From another ghat the Mussalmāns take water in leather bags and call it "pāni". From a third the Christians take the same thing and call it "water". Suppose someone says that the thing is not "jal" but "pāni", or that it is not "pāni" but "water", or that it is not "water" but "jal", It would indeed be ridiculous. But this very thing is at the root of the friction among sects, their misunderstandings and quarrels. This is why people injure and kill one another, and shed blood, in the name of religion. But this is not good. Everyone is going toward God. They will all realize Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart.
„Here is Thy righteousness and here is Thy unrighteousness. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love.“
Источник: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (1942), p. 312
Контексте: It is said that truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline of the Kaliyuga. If a man clings tenaciously to truth he ultimately realizes God. Without this regard for truth, one gradually loses everything. If by chance I say that I will go to the pine-grove, I must go there even if there is no further need of it, lest I lose my attachment to truth. After my vision of the Divine Mother, I prayed to Her, taking a flower in my hands: "Mother, here is Thy knowledge and here is Thy ignorance. Take them both, and give me only pure love. Here is Thy holiness and here is Thy unholiness. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love. Here is Thy good and here is Thy evil. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love. Here is Thy righteousness and here is Thy unrighteousness. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love." I mentioned all these, but I could not say: "Mother, here is Thy truth and here is Thy falsehood. Take them both." I gave up everything at Her feet but could not bring myself to give up truth.
„Пока человек не обладает бесхитростностью, ему сложно достичь веры Богу. Бог далёк, очень далёк от ума, увязшего в мирском. Мирской разум рождает множество сомнений и разные формы гордости - от учёности, богатства и прочих вещей. Бога невозможно осознать без такой веры, доверия, как у ребёнка к своей матери.“
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