Juice world цитаты на русском

Обновлено: 24.03.2025

Everyone sees the world in one’s own way – Каждый человек видит мир по своему.

You and I – belong - Ты и я – одно.

Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate – Каждый сам творец своей судьбы.

Nobody’s perfect, but me – Никто не совершенен кроме меня.

Never look back – Никогда не оглядываюсь назад.

Every solution breeds new problems – Каждое решение порождает новые проблемы.

A day without laughter is a day wasted – День без смеха – это напрасно прожитый день.

I can resist anything except temptation – Я могу устоять перед чем угодно, кроме соблазна.

While I’m breathing – I love and believe – Пока дышу – люблю и верю.

Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate - Каждый сам творец своей судьбы.

Tolerance is more powerful than force - У терпения больше власти, чем у силы.

Truth is more of a stranger than fiction – Истина более странная, чем вымысел.

Следующая цитата

We’ve collected some of Juice WRLD’s most popular quotes.

Be sure you don’t miss out on these quotes that cover everything from life, success, love, and more.

Juice WRLD was a rapper, singer, and songwriter, and was famous for the songs like ‘All Girls Are the Same’ and ‘Lucid Dreams.’

Read the full list below.

And make sure to check out these Lil Peep quotes and XXXtentacion quotes.

Best Juice WRLD Quotes

1. “Once you fall in love you fall, there’s a reason why we use that word.”

2. “Nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has their flaws—everybody has their dark secrets and vices.”

3. “If anybody’s going through anything, I hope and I pray that you get through it.”

4. “I don’t want to get lost in everything. I just want to keep the same work ethic.”

5. “I’ll never forget about the demons I conquered. I know I got a ways to go but I still made it further than most.”

6. “I’m your everything so that everything isn’t a problem.”

7. “Words can be as sweet as candy or as sharp as a blade. That’s the beauty of it.”

8. “Don’t let the scale define you. Be active. Eat Healthy. Be Happy.”

9. “Even if I’m talking about something that’s negative, I look at it as putting my mistakes out there for people to learn from it.”

10 “My goal is to get overly famous, shine for a couple years then fake my death.”

Juice WRLD Quotes About Life

11. “Words have a lot of power.”

12. “Roses are red, violets are blue, my heart is dead, I am such a fool.”

13. “Ain’t nothing like the feeling of uncertainty, the eeriness of silence.”

14. “Our heads are so imperfect, we drown ourselves in this imperfection. We don’t know what imperfection is. We only know how to spell it—we don’t know how it feels.”

15. “She does cocaine in my basement. I am her doctor, but I am running out of patience. She told me that she tryna closer to Satan. She is talking to him when she is in the matrix.”

16. “Stuff does happen. People are sick in the head. But people take advantage of that, and then they mix that with destroying black careers and destroying black excellence.”

17. “Music is the best way that I can communicate with other people.”

18. “Trust me—it’s cool to invest.”

19. “They all always notice when you acting different, but they never see what they did to make you start acting that way.”

Juice WRLD Quotes About Mental Health

21. “Never been afraid to die but I always been afraid to die before I get where I’m going.”

22. “Now I am insane, demons in my brain. Love, peace, I can’t obtain ‘cause all these girls the same, love.”

23. “Exhale depression as the wind blows. These are the laws of living in vogue.”

24. “It’s funny how the blessed ones had the most curses.”

25. “What’s the 27 club? We ain’t making it past 21.”

26. “A lot of men make fun of you for expressing your feelings because they don’t get it. They can’t wrap their heads around the concept of being completely honest and forthright.”

27. “Everybody, stay positive no matter how negative life gets.”

28. “We’re perfectly imperfect children. Rose from the dust, all of us are on a mission.”

29. “I feel as though if you’re able to control your dreams, you have more power and control over your mind, like you could reach more areas of your mind. Therefore, I feel like it creates the ability for you to achieve more things in reality.”

30. “I chase thrills, you still crashin’ Hot Wheels.”

Motivational Juice WRLD Quotes

31. “I thought you were the one listenin’ to my heart instead of my head.”

32. “Elevate, elevate me now. I am on the ground, on the ground—have not been myself.”

33. “I got family members that are police officers. I don’t get any problem if you a cop, as long as y’all doing y’all job, and y’all not harassing.”

34. “I need to work with your legend.”

36. “I never thought about college, but my mom thought about it for me. I knew 100% it wasn’t for me.”

37. “I freestyle everything.”

38. “I had phases of listening to rap and trap, and then I had phases where I’d listen to post-hardcore, rap, grunge, metal, all that. I had different time periods of listening to different music. And now it all clashes together.”

39. “My school had a radio show, and when I first decided to become a rapper, I was on there, and I would like, freestyle.”

40. “Honestly, the way I make music, you know it is like I don’t want to sound cocky or anything, but I try my best to make time with music that doesn’t have an expiration date.”

Juice WRLD Quotes About Success

41. “Shout out to Sting—that’s the G.O.A.T. right there. The goat. Greatest of all time.”

42. “I’m running to the money all the time so I can never be late.”

43. “I just walked in the building. Look like a million, but I’m worth more than a million.”

44. “It’s always good to put thought into shit, but something’s gonna come more from like a feeling, heart, the soul—less like the mind.”

45. “I wanna be more than a millionaire. I wanna change the world.”

46. “But now I got a bigger job, the world screaming my songs.”

47. “It’s good to put money back into communities.”

48. “What am I to do it seems. I fell in love with you.”

49. “You made my heartbreak, You made my heartache.”

50. “I got the M and M’s ‘millions’ called my mom─told her I made it.”

Juice WRLD Quotes About Relationships

51. “You found another one, but I am the better one. I won’t let you forget me.”

52. “Telling you right now, all you’ll find is a lost soul, rich and blind.”

53. “You done woke me up from my eternal slumber, I’m the lightning you’re the thunder.”

54. “I’ve been through the wringer, tryna put a diamond ring on her finger.”

55. “Why did I fall for you? I gave it all for you.”

56. “I numb and conceal them kinda like my feelings, but I still feel them.”

57. “If you ever get jealous, just remember I chose you out of everyone else.”

58. “Everybody has their mistakes. A mistake is a mistake. Some are more severe than others, but we’re no one to judge the severity of someone’s mistake. As long as we doin’ wrong, as long as we sinnin’, you can’t judge nobody else’s mistakes.”

59. “Tell me that it is all okay. I have been waiting on this all damn day.”

60. “We are trying to hide our feelings, but we forgot that our eyes speak.”

Memorable Juice WRLD Quotes

61. “I know I have a purpose, but I don’t see the purpose.”

62. “People love to talk about the money that they make. Nobody wanna talk about the money that they save.”

63. “Lucid dreaming is dreaming but you being aware that you’re doing it.”

64. “The rap game now, I’m sorry to say it but it’s so motherfucking soft. You can’t do anything without someone being offended nowadays. When did we become so soft?”

65. “I talk about a lot of issues I go through and some of my fans go through and try to create a fellowship where people can relate to each other.”

66. “I think it’s important to add a personal aspect to your music—that’s what makes it authentic at the end of the day.”

68. “Some people don’t get the credit that they deserve strictly based off the color of their skin. And technically speaking, my people made up those same genres. They created that sound in the first place.”

69. “Made mistakes, but that’s what life is about. My mistakes lead me to a better route.”

70. “Either I grow with you or outgrow you, I am not standing still for nobody.”

Juice WRLD Quotes About Love

71. “All girls are the same. They are rotting my brain, love. Think I need a change before I go insane, love. All girls are the same. They are potting my brain. love. Think I need a change before I go.”

72. “Don’t know when I met you, but I met you. Don’t know why I love you, but I love you. It is something bound by that dress, the way it fits you. I don’t even wanna tell you to take it off, but baby take it off.”

73. “You said, ‘I love you,’ and I said it too. The only difference is, I didn’t lie to you.”

74. “Drugs got me sweating but the room getting colder looking at the devil and the angel on my shoulder. Will I die tonight? I don’t know, is it over? Looking for my next high. I am looking for closure.”

75. “And I cannot change you, so I must replace you. Oh easier said than done.”

76. “I can admit and say that I have feelings.”

77. “Who knew evil girls had the prettiest faces?”

78. “I don’t know if it’s because my heart hurts or if I am insecure.”

Juice WRLD Quotes That Will Get You Thinking

81. “Thank you God for waking me up when you ain’t have to. This life is a blessing I won’t take for granted.”

82. “A minor setback paves the way for a major comeback.”

83. “You make me want to start smoking cigarettes so I die slowly.”

84. “Sometimes, life’s a mess. I get high when I’m upset.”

85. “When it gets dark outside, in you I confide. You help me face my demons I won’t hide.”

86. “You were my everything. Thoughts of a wedding ring, now I’m just better off dead.”

87. “The goal in life is not to live forever, but to create something that will.”

88. “The people I looked up to put their demons out there. They provided a path for me to walk on.”

89. “You left me falling and landing inside my grave. I know that you want me dead.”

90. “I bet if you, someone you never even thought about giving a chance to, you’ll be the happiest with.”

More Quotes

Amy Finn

Hi. I'm Amy, the founder of this blog. I love quotes and enjoy sharing the best ones with you.

Unbiased Juice WRLD Quotes

91. “The friends that don’t evolve with you are temporary.”

92. “Break away from everybody. Break away from everything if you can’t stand the way this place is. Take yourself to higher places.”

93. “I love my life and the people in it. Thank you God for giving me what I have. Give me strength to fuck Satan up if he comes this way. Amen.”

94. “If you are a real muthafucka, you gonna always gravitate to genuine energy and activity.”

95. “Did I say that out loud? I am so crazy about mine.”

96. “Money is gonna come regardless. If you doin’ this for money, people gonna be able to tell.”

97. “Bye, negative energy. You’re not welcomed anywhere near me in my savior’s name, amen.”

98. “Everyone knows someone who does stuff that isn’t healthy for them. But imagine how much of a fuck you don’t give to do that, to drink that, to pop that.”

99. “I listen to all types of music, so my music is inspired by genres such as rock, too. I like to call myself an artist who can tap into a lot of different sounds. I can make a rap song, and then turn around and make music with a live band if I wanted to.”

100. “I’m an old soul.”

Juice WRLD Quotes on His Music

101. “I feel like that’s what’s going to be most respected at the end of the day—that I’m able to do so many different things and become less of a rapper and just more as a musician.”

102. “I really just like making music. People call that ‘work.’ Like, ‘Oh, you’re going to the studio to work?’ No, that’s even what I do on my off day. I love recording.”

103. “Even in high school, I went through a lot of relationship issues, and that’s at the center of my music.”

104. “Music turns up neighbors telling me to pipe down.”

105. “My music is straightforward because I want to give people me and let them know they’re not alone in going through the things that they go through.”

106. “I’ve always been involved in music. Whether it be taking piano lessons or something, I always have.”

107. “I’m a music head and always will be.”

108. “I have these Lucid Dreams where I can’t move a thing.”

109. “I don’t just ‘make emotional music’ for myself. I do it to help other people through their situations. I guess I supposedly save lives. People tell me all the time that I save their lives. All the time, brother.”

110. “Some artists not only have good music but good personalities as well. I don’t wanna brag about myself, but people have told me that my personality matches my music—as in it has quality, as in it’s genuine and it’s real. With me, people don’t have to separate the art from the artist. Knock on wood.”

Inspiring Juice WRLD Quotes

111. “Bae I’m sorry I be tweaking, you’ve put up with more than people, I know. I know I be scaring you, fuck Codeine I’m done. I love you and im letting it be known publicly that ain’t shit fucking up the real love I found. Learn from this everyone. Addiction kills all but you can overcome.”

112. “Drugs can ruin your whole life. If they don’t kill you, they can leave you in a trance for the rest of your life. Most fucking rappers rap about getting high and feeling great. But I talk about the good side and the bad side, just to shed some light on the negative side.”

113. “I love performing in stadiums. I love it. There’s nothing like it. When it’s a full house and everybody’s having a good time and vibing? It’s fun. It’s lit. I don’t gotta jump around as much, either. I used to wear myself out after every concert, crawling backstage almost.”

114. “I set my career up for longevity and I’m gonna have longevity.”

115. “I stay to myself a lot.”

116. “Damn, why is she so demonic? She is Medusa with a little Pocahontas.”

117. “Don’t get me wrong—they broke all types of people. Charlie Sheen was strung out on all types of stuff. Shia Labeouf. But Michael Jackson was so talented, hardworking. He changed the world with his music. Literally. Once, when I was performing, I looked out in the crowd and there was this couple crying tears of joy. Michael Jackson used to have a whole crowd doing that.”

118. “The devil is so beautiful and strong, but don’t be fooled. You are much stronger.”

119. “Thank God, I finally found you. You put the light in my eyes when I’m around you.”

120. “Tell me you love me, tell me everything gon’ be okay. Tell me you love me, tell me you love me, and you gon’ stay.”

Other Juice WRLD Quotes

121. “If you ain’t payin’ a hundred thousand, get them features out my face.”

122. “I feel like I inspire more people than I think I do. I just need to remember that.”

123. “I started recording in my sophomore year in high school. I recorded things on my cell phone in my basement.”

124. “I’m probably one of the biggest Drake fans you could ever find.”

125. “I’m lost tryna find my way. But every day, I realize more and more I can’t find that way without you.”

126. “By default, I’m kind-hearted; and it’s a gift. not a curse. You just gotta know who to show your kind heart to.”

127. “The best feeling in the world is lying with my beautiful wife.”

128. “I can count the things that actually relieve my stress on one hand.”

129. “I can’t tell what’s real or where I belong.”

130. “Date me, break me, easily replace me. Hopefully you see it clear. Hopefully, it’s HD.”

Which of Juice WRLD’s Quotes Inspired You the Most?

Which of the Juice WRLD quotes spoke to you the most? Do you have any additional inspiring quotes or recommendations to share? We would love to hear from you! Please write a comment in the box below.

Следующая цитата

Searching for motivational Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics?

The quotes and lyrics showcased below will inspire you as we reminisce over the late chart-topping rapper and singer Juice WRLD.

What’s your favorite Juice WRLD song?

Born Jarad Anthony Higgins, Juice WRLD rose to the top of the charts in mid-2018 with his hit single “Lucid Dreams”. This song of the summer peaked at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts.

Soon after the emergence of his breakout track, Juice WRLD released his first album Goodbye & Good Riddance, which is certified platinum.

The multi-talented artist released a variety of well-received musical projects during his career including a collaborative mixtape with Atlanta-rapper Future, Wrld on Drugs, and a second studio album in early 2019, Death Race for Love.

On December 8th, 2019, Juice WRLD suffered from a seizure shortly after arriving at Chicago’s International Airport. He later died after arriving at a nearby hospital.

During his provoking rap career, Juice WRLD utilized his Everyday Power to create impactful music and shed light on many different issues.

The rapper wasn’t afraid to show emotion and produced genre-bending, eclectic music that showed millions of people around the world they weren’t alone.

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Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics about success

Also check out our list of the best song quotes from the biggest hits of 2019.

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Insightful Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics

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Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics

Juice WRLD quotes that will get you thinking

Also check out these rapper quotes that will inspire you to hustle hard and get your grind on.

Unforgettable Juice WRLD quotes

91. Everybody has their mistakes. A mistake is a mistake. Some are more severe than others, but we’re no one to judge the severity of someone’s mistake. As long as we doin’ wrong, as long as we sinnin’, you can’t judge nobody else’s mistakes.” – Juice WRLD

92. “I admit it, another ho got me finished. Broken my heart, oh no you didn’t.” – Juice WRLD

93. “The people I looked up to put their demons out there. They provided a path for me to walk on.” — Juice WRLD

94. “Date me break me, easily replace me. Hopefully you see it clear. hopefully it’s hd” – Juice WRLD

95. Now I am insane, demons in my brain, love peace I can’t obtain cause all these girls the same, love.” – Juice WRLD

96. “You were my everything. Thoughts of a wedding ring. Now I’m just better off dead.” – Juice WRLD

97. “The goal in life is not to live forever but to create something that will.” – Juice WRLD

98. “When it gets dark outside, in you i confide, you help me face my demons I won’t hide.” – Juice WRLD

99. “Shout out to Sting: that’s the G.O.A.T. right there. The goat. Greatest of all time.” – Juice WRLD

100. “You said I love you, and I said it too. The only difference is, I didn’t lie to you.” – Juice WRLD

More Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics

101. “Money is gonna come regardless. If you doin’ this for money, people gonna be able to tell. For me [it’s more important that] Sting said my music is beautiful, the fact that he performed my version of the song.” — Juice WRLD

102. “You left me falling and landing inside my grave I know that you want me dead.” – Juice WRLD

103. I bet if you someone you never even thought about giving a chance to you’ll be the happiest with.” – Juice WRLD

104. “My school had a radio show, and when I first decided to become a rapper, I was on there, and I would, like, freestyle.” – Juice WRLD

105. “Never been afraid to die but I always been afraid to die before I get where I’m going.” – Juice WRLD

106. “Don’t know when I met you but I met you. Don’t know why I love you but I love you. It is something bound that dress, the way it fits you. I don’t even wanna tell you to take it off but baby take it off.” – Juice WRLD

107. “Who knew evil girls had the prettiest face?” — Juice WRLD

108. “You make me want to start smoking cigarettes so I die slowly.” – Juice WRLD

109. “You made my heartbreak, You made my heartache.” – Juice WRLD

110. “Drugs got me sweating but the room getting colder looking at the devil and the angel on my shoulder will I die tonight? I don’t know is it over? Looking for my next high. I am looking for closure.” – Juice WRLD

How has Juice WRLD’s music impacted your life?

In just a short period, rapper and singer Juice WRLD connected with millions of people across the world and influenced many to embrace their true selves. His impact will last far beyond his time on Earth.

We hope that the Juice WRLD quotes and lyrics above inspire you to chase your dreams and be true to exactly who you were meant to be, just as he was.

What’s your favorite Juice WRLD quote or lyric showcased? Is there a quote or lyric that we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are.

Следующая цитата

Треки Juice WRLD прямо сейчас доводят до слез сотни тысяч людей. И глядя на темпы роста узнаваемости рэпера не покидает мысль, что вскоре весь мир будет "рыдать в три ручья" под его композиции. Все же тема любви и отношений, которую затрагивает в своих композициях исполнитель, волнует многих!

Juice WORLD представляет музыкальную сцену Чикаго. Хип-хоп отыграл главную роль в формировании музыкального образа этого города. Сцена Чикаго в лице Канье Веста, Chance the Rapper, Chief Keef способна влиять на всю индустрию в целом. Теперь к этому перечню артистов можно вписать имя перспективного рэпера Juice WRLD. Он пишет красивые и чувственные песни, смешивая хип-хоп и эмо-рок. Среди других исполнителей рэпер выделяется самобытным звучанием. Ознакомится с творчеством музыканта можно в нашей подборке его лучших треков!


Открытием 2019 года в хип-хопе стал 16-летний рэпер Lil Tecca. Популярность ему принес вышедший в мае трек "Ransom". Песня оказалась настолько притягивающей, что Juice World не смог обойти её стороной. Перед публикацией ремикса Lil Tecca поставил одно условие: его пост в Инстаграме должен набрать 1000 комментариев. Такой отметки 16-летнему исполнителю получилось достигнуть всего через 10 минут после заявления. 14 августа в сети появился ремикс от Lil Tecca и Juice World трека "Ransom".

В куплете для ремикса рэпер рассказывает о своем успехе в хип-хоп игре. Также в тексте он делает отсылку ко многим артистам 90-х годов. Среди них: Fresh Prince, Uncle Phil и другим. За продакшен ремикса отвечают Taz Taylor and Nick Mira. "Ransom" заняли чeтвертое место на Billboard Hot 100.

"Hate me"

Хитовой новинкой прошедшего лета стал совместный Juice Wrld и Ellie Goulding трек "Hate me". В песне рэперу была предоставлена второстепенная роль, которую он исполнил в характерном для себя стиле. В "Hate me" артисты рассказывают об испорченных любовных отношениях. Что касается куплета хип-хоп исполнителя, то в нем он грустит, обвиняя бывшую возлюбленную в "играх разума" и "повреждении его мозга".

"Fine China"

В 2018 году Juice Wоrld выпустил два релиза. В мае у рэпера вышел дебютный альбом "Goodbye & Good Riddance". Пластинка оказалась очень успешной – на талантливого исполнителя обратили внимание известные артисты. Одним из них стал Future, который даже решил с Juice Wrld сделать совместный проект. В итоге мы получили альбом "Wrld on drugs". Во время записи лонгплея у Future наверняка сложилось впечатление, что он работает с младшей версией себя из альтернативной вселенной.

Одним из лучших треков на пластинке стал "Fine China". За его продакшен отвечают Wheezy, Psymun and SinGrinch. В "Fine China" исполнители рассказывают, как сходят с ума от женщин в их жизни. Сама песня получалась качающей и мелодичной. "Fine China" полностью пронизана любовью и признательностью исполнителей. Однако в припеве рэперы заявляют об убийстве женщины, которая решила их покинуть.


Juice Wrld и Lil Uzi Vert очень похожие по стилю артисты. Совместный трек между этими рэперами был очень ожидаемым, что и произошло летом 2018 года. "В "Wasted" рэперы рассказывают о зависимости от видеоигр и наркотиков. Помимо этого, исполнители упоминают проблемные отношения с девушками.

"Опустошен, выбрасываю её из головы, когда я опустошен / Опустошен, я трачу время в пустую, когда я опустошен", – поёт Juice Wrld.

Песня обладает тяжёлым битом с запоминающимся припевом. "Wasted" можно охарактеризовать как меланхолическую балладу о попытках уйти от реальности при помощи наркотиков. В треке рэперы делают отсылки к популярной видеоигре Grand Theft Auto.

"Lean Wit Me"

Клип начинается со сцены, где рэпер находится в помещении с группой людей, которые страдают от алкогольной зависимости. Он начинает зачитывать свой куплет, когда лидер собрания просит его рассказать свою историю.

"Black and White"

Любимые рэперы Juice WRLD – Chief Keef и Канье Вест. Их влияние заметно во многих треках молодого артиста. От Chief Keef он унаследовал любовь к наркотикам и вечеринкам. Именно в таком духе был написан один из его треков – "Black and White".

В песне Juice WRLD рассказывает, как любит веселится с друзьями. Артист поёт о том, что нюхает кокаин со своими "черными друзьями", в то время как с "белыми" – употребляет кодеин.

"All Girls Are the Same"

Сам рэпер не ожидал, что песня так выстрелит. По его словам, "All Girls Are the Same" ничем не отличалась от предыдущих треков.

"Обычно я фристайлю, но в этом случае я написал первый куплет, а на втором импровизировал", – рассказал исполнитель в одном из интервью.

Автор песни приходить к выводу, что "все девушки одинаковы". Он огорчён тем фактом, что тратит время на женщин, которые разбивают его сердце своей ложью. Чтобы утолить боль от отношений он употребляет крепкие напитки. Рекомендуем вам скачать эту песню Juice Wrld, которая принесла ему небывалую популярность.


В число лучших треков Juice WRLD стоит отнести песню "Robbery". В сингле рэпер демонстрирует типичное для него печальное настроение. Он поёт о девушке, которая украла его сердце. В первом куплете артист рассказывает о конфликте между советами его отца и зовом сердца. В целом песня вышла очень драматичной.

"Armed & Dangerous"

"Armed & Dangerous" – одна из самых известных песен Juice WRLD. Трек вошел в лонгплей "Goodbye & Good Riddance". За продакшен "Armed & Dangerous" отвечает Dre Moon. В сингле рэпер рэпер рассуждает о кардинальных изменениях в его жизни, которые произошли после того, как он обрёл популярность. Песня заняла 44-е место в Billboard Hot 100.

Ролик на "Armed & Dangerous" состоит из нарезок видео концертных выступлений и подготовок к концерту хип-хоп исполнителя. Также в кадр попадает то, как рэпер танцует в фотостудии и летает на самолёте. Режиссером ролика выступил Коул Беннетт, который ответственен за большинство из клипов артиста. В одном из интервью Беннетт отметил, что Juice WRLD – один из самых талантливых исполнителей, которых он знает. По словам режиссера, рэпер всегда настроен на работу.

"Lucid dreams"

С этой песней связана интересная история. Стинг, семпл композиции которого был использован при записи "Lucid dreams", назвал трек "великолепной интерпретацией" "Shape of My Heart". Затем британский певец потребовал кругленькую сумму от Juice Wrld за такое сходство, в итоге получив 85% от прибыли. Однако рэпер не пал духом отметив, что песня положительно повлияла на многих людей.

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