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Не в моей власти, чтобы я чувствовал или не чувствовал определённое побуждение. В моей власти, однако, удовлетворяю я его или нет.

Добавил zerotolerance 07.07.19 в 15:33

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„The voice in my soul in which I will have faith, and for the sake of which I have faith in all else, does not merely command me generally to act, but in every particular situation it declares what I shall do and what leave undone; it accompanies me through every event of my life, and it is impossible for me to contend against it. To listen to it and obey it honestly and impartially, without fear or equivocation, is the business of my existence. My life is no longer an empty I play without truth or significance. It is appointed that what I conscience ordains me shall be done, and for this purpose am I here. I have understanding to know, and power to execute it. By conscience alone comes truth and reality into my representations.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 77
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

„There is nothing enduring, permanent, either in me or out of me, nothing but everlasting change. I know of no existence, not even of my own. I know nothing and am nothing. Images — pictures — only are, pictures which wander by without anything existing past which they wander, without any corresponding reality which they might represent, without significance and without aim. I myself am one of these images, or rather a confused image of these images. All reality is transformed into a strange dream, without a world of which the dream might be, or a mind that might dream it. Contemplation is a dream; thought, the source of all existence and of all that I fancied reality, of my own existence, my own capacities, is a dream of that dream.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 60
The Vocation of Man (1800), Knowledge

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Однако, в тот момент, я чувствовала себя хорошо. Цельно. Я могла почувствовать, что сердце забилось в груди, кровь горячо запульсировала и снова побежала по моим венам. Мои легкие глубоко наполнились сладким ароматом, который источала его кожа. Как будто никогда не было никакой раны в моей груди. Я была цельной — не излеченной, но как будто и не было никакой раны никогда.

„Spirit: Do not be deceived by sophists and half philosophers; things do not appear to thee by means of any representatives. Of the thing that exists, and that can exist, thou art conscious immediately; thou, thyself, art that of which thou art conscious. By a fundamental law of thy being thou art thus presented to thyself, and thrown out of thyself.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 53
The Vocation of Man (1800), Knowledge

„An act of the mind of which we are conscious, as such, is called freedom. An act without consciousness of action is called spontaneity. I by no means assume as necessary any immediate consciousness of the act, but merely, that on subsequent reflection thou shouldst perceive it to be an act. The higher question of what it is that prevents any such state of indecision, or any consciousness of the act, we may perhaps subsequently be able to solve. This act of the mind is called thought and it is said that thought is a spontaneous act, to distinguish it from sensation, in which the mind is merely receptive and passive.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 44
The Vocation of Man (1800), Knowledge

„It is the destiny of our race to become united into one great body, thoroughly connected in all its parts, and possessed of similar culture. Nature, and even the passions and vices of Man, have from the beginning tended towards this end. A great part of the way towards it is already passed, and we may surely calculate that it will in time be reached.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 88
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

„I believe it to be this; that my will, absolutely of itself, and without the intervention of any instrument that might weaken its effect, shall act in a sphere perfectly congenial — reason upon reason, spirit upon spirit; in a sphere to which it does not give the laws of life, of activity, of progress, but which has them in itself, therefore, upon self-active reason. But spontaneous, self-active reason is will. The law of the transcendental world must, therefore, be a Will.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p.110
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

Следующая цитата

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p.115
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

„Am I a free agent, or am I merely the manifestation of a foreign power? Neither appear sufficiently well founded. By the most courageous resolve of my life am I reduced to this! what Power can save me from it, from myself?“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 24
The Vocation of Man (1800), Doubt

„My immediate consciousness, my absolute perception, cannot go beyond myself, — I have immediate knowledge only of myself, whatever I know further I know only by reasoning, in the same manner in which I have come to those conclusions concerning the original powers of Nature, which certainly do not lie within the circle of my perceptions. I, however, — that which I call myself, — am not the man-forming power of Nature, but only one of its manifestations; and only of this manifestation am I conscious, not of that power, whose existence I have only discovered from the necessity of explaining my own.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 13
The Vocation of Man (1800), Doubt

„The will is the living principle of the rational soul, is indeed itself reason, when purely and simply apprehended. That reason is itself active, means, that the pure will, as such, rules and is effectual. The infinite reason alone lies immediately and entirely in the purely spiritual order. The finite being lives necessarily at the same time in a sensuous order; that is to say, in one which presents to him other objects than those of pure reason; a material object, to be advanced by instruments and powers, standing indeed under the immediate command of the will, but whose efficacy is conditional also on its own natural laws.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p.104
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

„Reason does not exist for the sake of life, but life for the sake of reason. An existence which does not of itself satisfy reason and solve all her doubts, cannot be the true one.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p.94
The Vocation of Man (1800), Faith

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Ио́ганн Го́тлиб Фи́хте — немецкий философ. Один из представителей немецкой классической философии и основателей группы направлений в философии, известной как субъективный идеализм, которая развилась из теоретических и этических работ Иммануила Канта. Фихте часто воспринимается как фигура, чьи философские идеи послужили мостом между идеями Канта и германского идеалиста Георга Вильгельма Фридриха Гегеля.

Так же как у Декарта и у Канта, проблема объективности и сознания служила мотивом его философских размышлений. Фихте также писал работы по политической философии, и из-за этого он воспринимается некоторыми философами как отец немецкого национализма.

„Mit derselben Sicherheit, mit welcher ich darauf rechne, daß dieser Boden mich tragen wird, wenn ich darauf trete, daß dieses Feuer mich verbrennen würde, wenn ich mich ihm näherte, will ich darauf rechnen können, was ich selbst bin, und was ich sein werde. With the same assurance with which I count on the floor to support me when I step on it, and on the fire to burn me were I to approach it, I want to be able to count on what I myself am and what I will be.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Источник: The Vocation of Man (1800), Doubt, P. Preuss, trans. (1987), p. 4

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Действовать! Действовать! Это то, ради чего мы существуем.

Добавила Любимая 23.09.10 в 23:30
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„I: My consciousness of the object is only a yet unrecognised consciousness of my production of the representation of an object. Of this production I know no more than that it is I who produce, and thus is all consciousness no more than a consciousness of myself, and so far perfectly comprehensible. Am I in the right? Spirit. Perfectly so; but whence then is derived the necessity and universality thou hast ascribed to these propositions, to that of causality for instance?“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 47
The Vocation of Man (1800), Knowledge

„Of what I am, I know no more than that I am, but here no tie is necessary between subject and object. My own being is this tie, I am at once the subject knowing, and the object known of; and this reflection or return of the knowledge on itself is what I designate by the term I, if I have any determinate meaning.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 50
The Vocation of Man (1800), Knowledge

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Искусство – не одномерный слепой отпечаток нашей мерзости, в которой мы существуем.

Добавил(а) NeonzZero 17.06.20
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Мы сами сочиняем себе судьбы, и эти придуманные истории не отделимы от культурного контекста, в котором мы существуем.

Добавила Sylvia 27.07.16
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Бунт в России — харизма протеста.
Бунт в России — Путин зассал.
Бунт в России — мы существуем.
Бунт в России — Riot, Riot.

Добавил(а) Аноним 17.03.14
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Я считаю, счастье — это гармония между тем, чего мы хотим от жизни, и реальностью, в которой мы существуем. Когда наши ожидания и реальность совпадают, мы счастливы. Только совпадают они, мягко говоря, далеко не всегда.

„That I should by necessity be either wise and good, or foolish or vicious, without having in one case or the other merit or fault — this it was that filled me with aversion and horror. The determination of my actions by a cause out of myself, whose manifestations were again determined by other causes — this it was from which I so violently revolted. The freedom which was not mine, but that of a foreign power, and, in that, only a conditional, half freedom — this it was with which I could not rest satisfied. I myself — that which in this system only appears as the manifestation of a higher existence, I will be independent, — will be something, not by another or through another, but of myself.“

— Johann Gottlieb Fichte, книга The Vocation of Man

Jane Sinnett, trans 1846 p. 21
The Vocation of Man (1800), Doubt

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