Цитаты из терминатора на английском
Обновлено: 27.03.2025
Коронная фраза (catch phrase) — “визитная карточка” героя фильма, с которой он/она ассоциируется.
Сегодня я предлагаю вам вспомнить другие фразы великолепного Арни.
1 . Commando. (Коммандос).
“You’re a funny guy Sully, I like you. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.”
“Ты хороший парень, Салли. Ты мне нравишься. Поэтому тебя я убью последним!”
2. Commando. (Коммандос).
“ Sully, remember that I promised to kill you last? I lied.” (After not killing Sully last) .
“ Салли, помнишь, я обещал убить тебя последним? Я тебя обманул.” (После того, как герой Шварценеггера не убивает Салли последним).
3. Predator. (Хищник).
“Stick around.” (After pinning a man to a tree with a knife)
“Никуда не уходи!” (После того, как герой Шварценеггера проткнул насквозь и приколол к дереву одного из нападавших на него).
4. Commando. (Коммандос).
“What did you do to him?” “I let him go.” (After dropping a man off a cliff).
“Что ты с ним сделал?” “Я его отпустил.” (После того, как его герой сбросил одного из своих врагов со скалы).
5. The Terminator. (Терминатор).
“I’ll be back!” (Before he crashed into a police station).
“Я вернусь!” (Перед тем, как герой Шварценеггера въехал на машине в полицейский участок).
6. Total Recall. (Вспомнить всё).
“Consider that a divorce!” (After shooting his fake wife Sharon Stone in the head).
“Считай это разводом!” (После того, как его герой выстрелом в голову убивает свою фальшивую жену, которую играет Шэрон Стоун).
7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. ( Терминатор 2. Судный день. )
“Come with me if you want to live.”
“Идем со мной, если хочешь жить.” (Говорит Терминатор, когда спасает Сару).
8. The Terminator. (Терминатор).
“I need your boots, your clothes and your motorcycle.”
“Мне нужна твоя одежда, ботинки и твой мотоцикл”. (Такие слова говорит Терминатор крутому парню из бара в самом начале фильма).
9. Predator. (Хищник) .
“Get to the choppa”.
“Беги к вертолету”.
На сегодня все, друзья. Ставьте лайки и подписывайтесь на канал.
Следующая цитата
Всю мою жизнь мать говорила мне, что шторм приближается.
Come with me if you wanna live.
Идём со мной, если хочешь жить.
Cyborgs don't feel pain. I do. Don't do that again.
Киборги не чувствуют боли, а я чувствую. Больше так не делай.
Desire is irrelevant. I am a machine.
Желание не имеет значения. Я — машина.
Everybody has a second chance, this is mine.
У каждого есть второй шанс. Этот мой.
Hasta la vista, baby!
Аста ла виста, бэйби!
He said there's a storm coming in.
Он говорит, буря надвигается.
I know he's not the enemy.
Я знаю, что он не враг.
I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
Мне нужна твоя одежда, ботинки и мотоцикл.
I'll take care of the police.
Я позабочусь о полиции.
It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.
В вашей природе заложено убивать друг друга.
Look at it this way: in a hundred years, who's gonna care?
Посмотри на это с другой стороны: через 100 лет об этом никто и не вспомнит.
Следующая цитата
Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without.
Выбор — это иллюзия, рубеж между теми, у кого есть власть и теми, у кого ее нет.
Submit a Quote from 'The Terminator'
A quote can be a single line from one character or a memorable dialog between several characters. Please make your quotes accurate. Quotes will be submitted for approval by the RT staff.
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Vincent Vega: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
Jules Winnfield: ketchup.
Jules Winnfield: What?
Vincent Vega: no. mayonaisse
Vincent Vega: Mayonnaise.
Jules Winnfield: Goddamn.
Vincent Vega: Oh man I shot Marvin in the face.
Vincent Vega: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.
Vincent Vega: Well, well, I do. I do. But, you have to promise not to be offended.
Mia Wallace: That is an impossibility. Trying to forget anything as intriguing as this would be an exercise in futility.
Jules Winnfield: What country are you from?
Vincent Vega: Bacon tastes good; pork chops taste good.
Vincent Vega: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
Следующая цитата
Sarah Connor: Move it, Reese! On your feet soldier! ON YOUR FEET!
Terminator: Get out.
Punk Leader: [the Terminator arrives naked and encounters some punks] Nice night for a walk, eh?
Terminator: Nice night for a walk.
Punk: Wash day tomorrow! Nothing clean, right?
Terminator: Nothing clean. Right.
Terminator: [calls Tiki Motel]
Station Attendant: [answers call] Tiki Motel.
Terminator: [on phone] Give me your address there.
Terminator: I am a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?
Sarah Connor: What have we got?
Kyle Reese: Mothballs. corn syrup. ammonia.
Station Attendant: [phone] Tiki Motel.
Terminator: [phone] Give me your address there.
Sarah Connor: I love you, mom.
Terminator: I love you, too, sweetheart.
Cleaning Man: Hey, buddy you gotta dead cat in there or what?
Terminator: Fuck you, asshole.
Terminator: Fuck you, asshole.
Derelict: That son of a bitch took my pants
Derelict: That son of a bitch took my pants.
Terminator: Fuck you asshole.
Kyle Reese: Pain can be controlled - you just disconnect it.
Sarah Connor: I know.
Kyle Reese: What day is it?
Policeman: 12, May, Thursday --
Kyle Reese: What year?
Terminator: Get out.
Kyle Reese: Come with me if you want to live!
Terminator: Where is she?
Terminator: Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40-Watt Range.
Punk: Wash day tomorrow. Nothing clean, right. . right?
Punk: Wash day tomorrow? Nothing clean, right?
Kyle Reese: Come with me if you want to live.
Terminator: Get out.
Terminator: Sarah Connor?
Kyle Reese: The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human. sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.
Sarah Connor: Look. I am not stupid, you know. They cannot make things like that yet.
Kyle Reese: Not yet. Not for about 40 years.
Kyle Reese: Right.
Sarah Connor: Right.
Terminator: Fuck you asshole.
Punk Leader: Suck it motherfucker
Punk Leader: Suck it motherfucker.
Terminator: Sarah Connor?
Kyle Reese: Come with me if you want to live.
Kyle Reese: Come with me if you want to live.
Kyle Reese: Pain can be controlled - you just disconnect it
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