Цитаты batman arkham city

Обновлено: 21.03.2025

such a happy couple same about the kid though poor little brucy never quite got over it now did he? well there's no point crying over spilled blood hahaha it's time to move on kiddo let go take a load off join your parents uncle j will take it from here.

( Unused ) hold still you big lump I'm in control now! ( trying to take over Batmans body )

( Unused ) hahaha now you may feel a little pond of blood followed by a feeling of violence and distroying.

Come on bats you know you want to. ( convention Batman to destroy him )

There's only one way to stop me brucy old boy come on you've killed me once already it gets easier every time.

That's your problem isn't it bats? You just can't keep hold of a family for very long.

Who well I destroy next? Gorden lucius that bubling old butler of yours?

Even the ones who come back end up hating you.

But can you blame them everyone close to you gets either tortured kidnapped or killed

( Makes random chicken noises )

Batman: Arkham City

  • "I figured you'd have a little more fight in you. Guess I figured wrong!"
  • "Oh, Bats! I really figured you'd last longer than that!"
  • "It's okay to die, Bats. I'll be here to protect Gotham. I'll do a real good job!"
  • "Ha-ha-ha-ha-heh-heh"
  • "BWAH-Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-HAAAAAHH!!"

Batman: Arkham Origins

  • "Awww. Too bad. So sad!" (to Batman)
  • "Oh I'm sorry! Did I kill your friend? Oops! My bad! Haha!"' (to Batman)
  • "Looks like I'm gonna need to find a new playmate. Oh and we were having so much fun, too! Hahahaha!" (to Batman)
  • "Ding dong! The bat is dead! Which old bat? The dumb old bat! Ding dong', the dumb old bat is dead! Hahahahaha!"''(to Batman)
  • "Aw, I gotta say. I thought you'd have more fight in you. A LOT more fight!" (to Batman)
  • "Deathstroke? Hehehe. More like Death. Joke Hahahahah!" (to Deathstroke)
  • "You may be the world's greatest assassin kiddo, but Joker always gets the last laugh. HAHAHAHA!" (to Deathstroke)

Arkham VR

Arkham City

  • "Welcome, inmates. You are now taking your first, tentative steps towards a better world. A world of fun, mischief and best of all, a world where the only person you need to answer to is yours truly."
  • "I know what you guys are thinking. Is it all true? Is life at Joker Enterprises everything it's rumored to be? Sadly, it is. All of it. But look on the bright side. At least you know what you're getting yourself into and I can promise you this. You'll never leave."
  • "Here at Joker Enterprises, I don't take the best, in fact, looking at some of those bozos, I'm not even sure I take the worst. Most of them definitely missed all the branches of the brain when they fell out of the sky, but you know what? I don't care."
  • "If you're with me, the only things I demand, except for a murderous attitude and stunning good looks, is loyalty and obedience. If you're with me, I can promise you that I will be behind you all the way. Sometimes, that might mean I'm locked up tight in a bomb proof bunker behind you, but don't worry. I'll always make sure that you are there to protect me."
  • "All new recruits will be subject to a mandatory full-body search; inside and out. I know some of you may feel a little uncomfortable at the idea of a giant Russian mercenary performing a full cavity search, but don't worry, he nearly always manages not to tear out anything too vital. You may even enjoy it, I know I did."

Arkham VR

"How do you feel when you put on that mask? Are you hiding from the world or do you want the world to hide away from you? Maybe you feel invincible. You're more than just a man. Or maybe you're just like me. You see that life is nothing but a sick joke and so you choose the face to match! But what happens when we become what we pretend to be? An illusion becomes the new reality. Doesn't even matter. After all, If you find a mask that fits, you'll never need to take it off!" -Joker

Game Over Lines


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Batman: Arkham City — кроссплатформеная компьютерная игра в жанре action-adventure, stealth action и beat ’em up, часть серии Batman: Arkham. Является сюжетным продолжением предыдущей части — «Batman: Arkham Asylum».

Посмотрите, кто здесь. Я не видел тебя с тех пор. как давно это было? Так, была психушка, несколько монстров и, ах да, ты оставил меня умирать. Возможно, ты помнишь все по-другому, но какая разница?

Добавил user_2939294338 27.04.15
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Как ты мог угадать больше половины моих загадок?! Признавайся: смотрел в интернете!

Добавил(а) Аноним 05.07.13
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17-ое марта, день святого Патрика, славного малого, который изгнал змей из Ирландии.
Любопытная информация о змеином яде, Бэтмен, у некоторых он зелёный — прямо как краситель для зелёного пива.
Тем проще было приготовить угощение на день святого Патрика для моих бывших друзей.
Как ты помнишь, один из моих подручных пытался слить тебе информацию. Я не знал, кто именно, поэтому решил наказать всех.
Одна доза яда зелёной мамбы в пивной бочонок, и вскоре они уже гнили в земле.
Получается, что и ты отчасти виноват в их смерти тоже.
Выпью же за это.

Batman: Arkham Asylum

  • "Hey! Someone help Bat-baby up off the floor!"
  • "Oh, I'd like to thank my fans for their undying support, and the people of Gotham, who I will be seeing very, very soon."
  • "Gotta say, I thought you'd last longer."
  • "Too easy! Played you like a violin, then cut your strings. Nighty night, Bats."
  • "I salute my fallen enemy!" (blows a raspberry)
  • "That loser didn't stand a chance. I mean look at me!"
  • "Oh, Isn't that cute? Little bat's a-sleepin. Someone finish him off."
  • "Tonight, Gotham, I have defeated your dear Dark Knight. Don't be sad you're next! (Titan Joker)"
  • "One down. Who's next to party with me? (Titan Joker)"
  • "Who else wants to get crazy? (Titan Joker)"

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Batman: Arkham Knight — компьютерная игра в жанре приключенческого боевика, разрабатываемая Rocksteady Studios, будет выпущена Warner Bros.

Interactive Entertainment для игровых консолей PlayStation 4 и Xbox One, а также для персональных компьютеров на базе Microsoft Windows. Batman: Arkham Knight является четвёртой игрой в серии Batman: Arkham. Первоначально релиз игры был запланирован на 14 октября 2014 года, однако позже был перенесён на 2015 год. По словам создателей, «Рыцарь Аркхема» завершит серию игр о Бэтмене, ответив на все вопросы, возникшие у поклонников предыдущих частей истории о Тёмном Рыцаре.

Без страха жизнь не имеет смысла.

Добавил GarretThief 11.08.15
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— Ты правда думаешь, что победил? Страх делает предсказуемым.
— Ты в ловушке. Бежать некуда.
— А кто сказал, что я побегу?

Добавил Dee-Ay 16.11.17
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— . Что такое? Боишься, бить буду? Ну, ты чего? Это не я тут злодей. О, нет-нет-нет! Это Бэтмен! Он бросил тебя! Оставил, как надоевшего щенка. «Можно его оставить, папочка? Ну, пожалуйста, я буду о нём хорошо заботиться».
— Нет!
— «Всё, что душе твоей угодно, принцесса. Только пусть все знают, что он твой. Мы же не хотим, чтобы он сюда вернулся, правда?»
— Пожалуйста, нет!
— «Нет, папочка! Я хочу, чтобы он был со мной всегда!»
— Нет, пожалуйста! Нет!

Пояснение к цитате: Спектакль Джокера перед клеймением Джейсона. Добавил Dee-Ay 16.11.17
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Batman: Arkham Knight

  • "Downside you're dead. But the upside? We've got each other, Bruce Forever!"
  • "This is how it happened. This is how the Batman died." *chuckles*
  • this is the end Bruce and now we're going to be together FOREVER.
  • "Bats? Bats?! BAAATS. "
  • "Oops. You're dead! Wait, does that mean I'm dead?! GET UP, BRUCE, GET UP!"
  • "Oh, well. That's what I get for betting it all on black."
  • "Now, if I was in charge this never would have happened!"
  • "Aw, off to see Mom and Pop at that big country club in the sky."
  • "Oh, Bats, you big kidder. You don't fool me. Bats? Bats?"
  • "Don't head towards the light Bruce. It's not fair, they'll never let me in!
  • "Who's going to fight crime now? Robin?" *laughs*
  • "You should take better care of yourself Batsy, there's two of us in there!"
  • "What? You survive everything I ever threw at you only to die now, like this?"
  • "What the? Why is everything gone dark? Are we dying? We better not be dying, Bruce."
  • "Come on, Bruce. You can't die! I didn't kill you!"
  • "That's it, Bats, play dead. We've got' em right where we-oh dear."
  • "I've sat through my own funeral already, now I have to go through the whole thing again?! Thanks for nothing!"
  • "Well, that's one less Gordon to worry about. At least now you won't have to tell her the truth about Babs."
  • "There goes your only lead to finding Barbara. Well, it was fun while it lasted."

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Batgirl: A Matter of Family

  • "It's a little known fact there's a bit of Joker inside us .Come on, kiddo! Let your Joker out!"
  • "Everything is in a smile."
  • "Hey sad clown……turn that frown around."

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